The "Right of Way" Issue

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Traffic of all types are encountered on almost any trail ride. The questions of safety, who has the "right of way", and what that means is a topic that will never die.

Who does a trail rider HAVE to yeild to?

Anyone and anything:

  • Hikers
  • Horses
  • Livestock
  • Wild Animals
  • AND all other bike riders (no matter the direction)

What does 'Right of Way' mean?

As per Merriam-Webster:

Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural rights-of-way also right-of-ways
1 : a legal right of passage over another person's ground
2 a : the area over which a right-of-way exists b : the strip of land over which is built a public road c : the land occupied by a railroad especially for its main line d : the land used by a public utility (as for a transmission line)
3 a : a precedence in passing accorded to one vehicle over another by custom, decision, or statute b : the right of traffic to take precedence c : the right to take precedence over others <gave the bill the right-of-way in the Senate>

What does 'Yeild' Mean?

As per Merriam-Webster:


Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gieldan; akin to Old High German geltan to pay
transitive verb
2 : to give or render as fitting, rightfully owed, or required
3 : to give up possession of on claim or demand: as a : to give up (as one's breath) and so die b : to surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another : hand over possession of c : to surrender or submit (oneself) to another d : to give (oneself) up to an inclination, temptation, or habit e : to relinquish one's possession of (as a position of advantage or point of superiority) <yield precedence>
4 a : to bear or bring forth as a natural product especially as a result of cultivation <the tree always yields good fruit> b : to produce or furnish as return <this soil should yield good crops> c (1) : to produce as return from an expenditure or investment : furnish as profit or interest <a bond that yields 12 percent> (2) : to produce as revenue : BRING IN <the tax is expected to yield millions>
5 : to give up (as a hit or run) in baseball <yielded two runs in the third inning>
intransitive verb
1 : to be fruitful or productive : BEAR, PRODUCE
2 : to give up and cease resistance or contention : SUBMIT, SUCCUMB <facing an enemy who would not yield> <yielding to temptation>
3 : to give way to pressure or influence : submit to urging, persuasion, or entreaty
4 : to give way under physical force (as bending, stretching, or breaking)
5 a : to give place or precedence : acknowledge the superiority of someone else b : to be inferior <our dictionary yields to none> c : to give way to or become succeeded by someone or something else
6 : to relinquish the floor of a legislative assembly


What does it mean to YIELD